Some Preliminary Thoughts

Some people build rockets, others go fishing; I just analyze things. Here you'll find "mentions" of whatever I happen to be pondering and thinking through at the moment. I hope some of this is relevant to you as well.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

This is who I am

I like being a christian - actually, I am being honest. I now that it isn't always bright and cheery, but it is healthy. And that's that thing; technically, I am in no position to prove that one "religion" is right over the others, but I am able to see what kind of lifestyle each religion encourages. I'm not going to put this in black and white, but the reason why I am staying a christian is because I can find no other world-view that enables people to live in harmony. Now I haven't studied every religion, so at this point this position is only a hypothesis - but it is sustained by all the data that I have received to this point. I like to think that when God created us, the laws He wanted us to abide by were instituted because we could only function harmoniously by following them - in other words, right is right because it allows us to function healthily and wrong is wrong because it introduces dysfunction. Satan is out to destroy God's crowning creation - in one way or another - so he attempts to get people to disobey those inherent rules. So, in my mind, "good' is harmony  - as God intended it to be; and evil is dysfunction - a destruction of all that God created "good". This is somewhat of a different position than many people may be in, so I am not introducing this as the "right" truth, I simply want to show a different perspective of the emphasis of God's plan. He wants to be glorified, and He is glorified by His creation functioning healthily - and we can only do that by following the principles He sets forth. So that's what rules are for, it's not like God chose a "side" to be good back at the beginning, or picked rules out of the air and made them "righteousness"; I think that for some un-explainable reason those rules were there before the creation of the earth; they were there in heaven when Satan rebelled, they were there in the garden - hidden in the fruit, and they are here now. So, suddenly God takes on a completely different look: instead of a King asserting his rule for the sake of power, He becomes a Creator who shows His concern for His creation by desiring them to abide by certain rules which will allow them to live in harmony and peace - He wants us to be whole, complete. He loves us

But the game is changed now...
We sinned and therefore dysfunction and death entered the world. So our game-plan is no longer to obey in order to create that perfect garden that we came from - we obey to spread the hope and light of the coming harmony that God will re-create. We messed up, He's gonna fix it - that doesn't seem fair to Him. Oh, and He's not doing it because it's "right" or because it is His character, He's doing it because He loves us and He wants us to live in harmony with Him and each other.

P.S. It's a long process, but in the end my conclusion with this hypothesis is that I glorify God through my
        interactions with other people - in other words, my faith in God is expressed in what comes out of me
        towards other people. That's why I strive for harmony, that's what glorifies God. This is where I am led
        in an attempt to be like Christ.

Any thoughts?

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