Some Preliminary Thoughts

Some people build rockets, others go fishing; I just analyze things. Here you'll find "mentions" of whatever I happen to be pondering and thinking through at the moment. I hope some of this is relevant to you as well.

Color it Irrevocable

The author of these poems is named Casey Allen. Maybe that's not his real name, but I'm not interested in knowing it. I just want to share some of the thoughts that he put into the verses below. Poetry is indeed a way of communicating - and very colorful way to do so. Many of his poems I have already posted on my blog, but I wanted a place to consolidate them; they just seem to require a place to themselves...

A Compass

I'm shivering inside my own desires
All I built
And all I tried to find
I wanted everything I left unsaid
My hopes and dreams
Lost me in the cold instead

Hope for Joy

Each person is looking
To live in the day
But behind every eye
Rests a still sleeping heart

What must it be
To loosen this captive
And free the chains
Binding our hope for joy

Crying Aloud in the Streets

Wisdom to know how to live
Wisdom to see who to fight
Wisdom to learn how to love
Wisdom to do what is right


In life
God promised
That He would supply
My needs
As His child
To follow His lead
But God
Is not one
For somber procession
He delights
To bring out my smile
The promise
That He made
He went quite beyond
He gave
A good friend
He blessed me with YOU

A Friend

A friend is a person who stands
Back upon the shore
And calls our name to urge us
To came to land once more

A good friend, though, does not stay dry
But dives into the surf
And takes our hand amidst the waves
To guide us to the turf

I wish I were younger

When the sky was blue
and the sun was light
and the grass was green
and the moon was night

When 'gone' was short
and home was here
and help was close
and friends were near

When right was right
and wrong was wrong
and trust was true
and love was strong

But I know I've moved on...

With pensive steps
and choices made
and doubtful dreams
and decisions laid

With life before
and hurt behind
and lines so blurred
and eyes so blind

And with nothing of mine...

But a broken heart
and a mind unbold
and a Lord to trust
and a Hand to hold

I know I can proceed...


I'm gazing out the sitting room window. Behind me rests a shelf of books.
Each author resides upon his own spine, and out this window their eyes must look.

Their thoughts, each kept so quietly hidden, beneath each cover, upon each leaf;
Their silent banter, their own perceptions – of life and joy and pain and grief.

This window has no convection or tint – nor does it alter the light passing through.
Differing opinions, profound and unique, are fruits that grow from each author's own view.

“See? God loves them!”, claims Rice, “And brings lightness of heart.” “But,”says Van Braght, “remember the price.”
“To serve Him doesn't ensure life's a balm.” “And that”, concludes Golie, “is the cause for our vice”.

I presume there's a parallel to our own existence – since, it seems, no two people agree.
I guess what I most need is not better wording, but to be exchanged with the book next to me...

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