Some Preliminary Thoughts

Some people build rockets, others go fishing; I just analyze things. Here you'll find "mentions" of whatever I happen to be pondering and thinking through at the moment. I hope some of this is relevant to you as well.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

A Different Angle

Another time, another try
"give once more, this time you'll fly"
I just can't bear to hear those words again
My wings are torn and my hope has died
my heart can only beat so many times
I can only face “once more” twice.
Last time was one to many
I just can't continue

I shouldn't be here
But I've lead myself back
My hopes and dreams were guiding
My own heart has been betraying me
I can't go on and risk this again
I can't get up because I'm so afraid
I don't know how to heal the wound
From losing what I believe in

Where do you go
when you don't know the way
What do you follow
when your guide leads astray
What do you believe
when truth becomes deceit
How do you fight
When you've admitted defeat

...Wow, sometimes you find something good when you look behind you - I mean, you get to see where you've been and how far you've come. This poem was post from the end of October that I never ended up posting, but I was just reading over it and it came to me that looking back does have its can be encouraging in the right manner.

Oh, and I was thinking last night that there must be a key - you know, to make life work out without so much worry and concern. Well it came to me like right away, it's a close relationship with God. Just bringing Him along with you through life. And considering Him to be an immediate resource at every moment of each day. Think about it, you get close to someone by spending time with them, it's not that complicated and doesn't have to involve a complex series of steps involving tests and books and studies - just bring Him along with you throughout the day. And you will get closer to Him, just as a friend. Oh, and that is the key, by the way, because He works things out. And so we don't have to worry about things turning out for our destruction, because when we are following His lead He will ensure that things turn out for our good and His purpose.
So that was what I had in mind; things are stable when my focus is on God, and when my focus strays...well, things start to topple.

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