Some Preliminary Thoughts

Some people build rockets, others go fishing; I just analyze things. Here you'll find "mentions" of whatever I happen to be pondering and thinking through at the moment. I hope some of this is relevant to you as well.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

On Sale - buy one, get one please!!

"My patience is wearing thin..."

Interesting phrase. I mean who, like, wakes up and puts on a pair of patience in the morning? And really, it wears thin? Like pants or something? Oh, and should we launder it frequently? Will it shrink? Is it something that we only wear for special occasions? Or is it more like a pair of socks, always there serving a purpose? If we grow, will it cease to fit us? And when it wears out, what then? Do we have to periodically replace it? You know like, "And I'll take one pair of patience, size 14 1/2 please...Oh, that's special order? Well go ahead and order me one then, thanks." And most of all, what kind of activities are the most abrasive on our pair of patience? Should we take it off before we get stressed? Don't we already?

"...It's been an interesting conversation, but I'm really running late. Pardon me while I go try on some patience for size"

1 comment:

The Nat said...

"My patience was so bad I hauled it to the hospital"- Grandpa Gene Roach lol