Some Preliminary Thoughts

Some people build rockets, others go fishing; I just analyze things. Here you'll find "mentions" of whatever I happen to be pondering and thinking through at the moment. I hope some of this is relevant to you as well.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

It is that which makes us different that draws us together

Ok, I'm talking to the group of people called the body of Christ...

What is the key to being in one accord? You know, like how do we have unity with each other? Well it's not hard to understand that team-work requires common purpose. That is - in order for people to effectively work together, they must agree on a common end to work towards. And consequently, if their seems to be a lack of unity, well, that means people are trying to end up different places. It's pretty easy to do actually; and I think we too often think unity is determined by similarity of process, not on similarity of end. And so we end up spending a lot of time arguing among ourselves trying to convince each other to adopt one process or another that we consider to be "right". Or actually, we become confused as to what our end purpose really is - and we start to think that our personal 'calling' from God is really the purpose for the whole body of Christ. It's a pride thing actually; God gives us a task, or a practical purpose, and we think that it is a 'missing key' that the body must pursue in order to "really see God work in our world." One bit of advice? Let's get over ourselves as Christians; lets stop putting a lot of crying and dramatic emotions in our movies (geewiz, it makes the life a believer look cheesy). This is the world God created, these are the people He made, and His purpose is a lot bigger than your specific calling or "sensitivity". I know most of us believers aren't intentionally ego-laden; it's not like we are trying to be full of ourselves. But I think "religion" has a way of kinda messing up reality. Actually, I think it's too often used in the same way that another might use fame or riches. See, Christianity is not our identity; our calling from God is not our identity; our 'spiritual experience' is not our identity either. We are His creation - that's our identity. But it gets better, see since we messed up in the garden, God granted us the ability to accept a better identity - we can be His children. And our identity is not found in our shell, it's rooted in our heart. Take a lamp shade, its dark without any light inside; but turn the light on and even though it still looks the same, there is something inside it that makes it's whole existence different. Don't worry about fitting a mold, focus on the purpose of the Body - and fulfill God's personal calling for you.

We're in a symphony; play your part - and follow the Conductor

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