Some Preliminary Thoughts

Some people build rockets, others go fishing; I just analyze things. Here you'll find "mentions" of whatever I happen to be pondering and thinking through at the moment. I hope some of this is relevant to you as well.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Be Careful What you Wish For

Expectations seem, to me, to be an unhealthy part of life. I suppose that it is not a secret that they are harmful to relationships, but I think their destructive influence affects more than that. I think they also have a negative impact when they are directed personally - on our own lives. Maybe this positions seems a bit extreme for some people, and consequently I'm not attempting to present this a principle of life, but nonetheless, it is a principle I try to live by. 
See, I think that when personal expectations are present, it sets the stage for a few pitfalls: one, we can be confused between the drive to make our expectations a reality; and two, we are opening the door for resentment and anger if we are not able to meet our expectations. This anger would directed, understandably, towards the individual responsible for the "restraint", the guy who cuts you off in traffic, a neighbor who is keeps asking for assistance ("imposing" on you), or God, who would be responsible for any disruptions - out of our control - that may occur.
The two greatest fallacies of man, I think, are expectations and a lack of grace. I guess I'm not trying to introduce a "magic bullet" for all of our problems, but in reality our lives would be in much less turmoil if we lowered our expectations and allowed scenarios to play out the way the must, trusting that wherever we end up is where God wants us at the moment. Maybe the sounds very much like a passive approach to life - but I think we all will testify that lowering expectations, trusting God and extending grace, is anything but a passive experience... 

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