Some Preliminary Thoughts

Some people build rockets, others go fishing; I just analyze things. Here you'll find "mentions" of whatever I happen to be pondering and thinking through at the moment. I hope some of this is relevant to you as well.

Monday, August 1, 2011

And the Life of Death

Death came so close, shutters closed, darkness fell, the numb set in. What a paradox, being strangled by the very thing that was designed to bring happiness? And yet, the end is not yet. Life is such a relief. The rush of breeze. The drop of rain. The ray of sun. How is it that I forget that God is a God of the living and not of the dead? That He is a God of grace, of restoration and forgiveness, not of pain. And that He loves us. And he uses people, the very cause of our turmoil, to remind us of that. Yes, He created us to have relationships, to be loved, and to love others.

How can I explain the utter emotional despair and hopelessness at the loss of what you love? And how do I express the gratitude and joy at finding it's still there? There are simply no words that can describe the change. I wish I could, for your sake, but there are limits to the depth of feeling that can be communicated here. Ask me in person and I might be able to explain it - or actually, I couldn't - you'd just see it!

Hope. I lost it, but now I found it again - it's so good, so good. Thank God for hope. It brings life, and thank God for life!

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