Some Preliminary Thoughts

Some people build rockets, others go fishing; I just analyze things. Here you'll find "mentions" of whatever I happen to be pondering and thinking through at the moment. I hope some of this is relevant to you as well.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Til' We Have Faces

Humans are so wonderfully complex (a testament to God's perfect design); want Proof? It's here; humans are not exclusively logical - in structure, that is. If we were given only logic in our makeup then our mindset would be persuaded by a simple argument. As it is, it normally takes more than that to persuade us (at least most of us); and therefore, there is more than a mind within us. We have a heart as well - but we all know that, and I'm not here to rehash. So, what am I getting to?
Well, being comprised of those two factors results in some very interesting personal chemistry (it is a life's study unto itself, and I'm not going there now). The area I am applying our makeup to is the area of first-impressions and the answer to the question, "Who am I?" (hang with me here).
I am constantly amazed at the random individuals who, upon first meeting me, relate to me as a person and remove their personal masks. What makes this surprising, is that I then witness that veil fall back into place when they begin to relate to other people again. I'm not talking about the pseudo-vulnerability of chronic belly-achers. or the shallow openness of Obsessive, Compulsive, PErsonal, Data Sharers"(Ocpeds, ha). I'm talking about Store cashiers, garage mechanics, mall shoppers, bus riders, etc. People who have no reason, nor a need, to be open, but who still choose to be in a position of vulnerability before me: why is that? It doesn't happen all the time either, it's intermittent. But there's no tangible (logically based) reason that corresponds with the situation: it's not attire, it's not mood, it's not even actions - it goes beyond that.
Let's bring in another issue; the people that my heart goes out to. It's not uncommon for a person's heart to want to reach out to others, what is strange is how it "determines" (what a paradox, using a logical term for a very illogical action) the people it reaches out to - cares for. In this case, as well, the factor is not tangible or mentally perceivable; it simply has nothing to do with the person's "aura".
Now to tie it together...
The most interesting part of the chemistry of our humanity (at least to me) is that we have a sixth-sense (cliche-ish, I know), but I'm not sure what else to call it - and it's distinctly different than intuition, it's subconscious. It's a sense that, among other things, allows our hearts to perceive genuineness and sincerity in other people's behaviors, words and feelings. If the is genuine towards us then we are tempted to be genuine in return. It is definitely not a logical thing, in fact, any hint of structure or design in the other person's behavior instantly voids that sense of genuineness - even if they are.The selection of people mentioned in the above two paragraphs depends on this sense.
So what does this have to do with the question, "Who am I?" Well, I need a gauge - an external indicator - to tell me who I am, because I'm internally confused. And this is it. I just look at who I am when people are approaching me genuinely, sincerely - Vulnerably. And, in most cases, that will mean that they sense the same in me - or at least a desire to be..
Hang a bit, this just came to me! I mean literally, as I was typing those last seven words. Ok, so yes, my heart senses genuiness in others and opens up to them. But why does it "go out" to others (and I'm not talking about emotions or love in this post, btw); and you know what, I think it's because it senses that they sincerely desire to be genuine, but they don't know how (or who). And my being genuine and sincere with them encourages their heart to respond with the same...

Somehow, sensing that desire gives me an accute understanding that the other individual is a real "person" - housing a heart and soul, worth my life if I were to lay it down; an realization that enables me to understand how Jesus was willing to die in my place...

...I've got to stop. I'm crying...

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